Release 04.02.2021

The release includes 3 major new features:

Base Station Status Notifications

Notifications about changes of station online and health status now are available via email. You can go to the individual station page and add a responsible person for its location. This responsible person will receive notifications to the specified email.

Responsible persons have roles which can indicate the issues this individual can resolve. Anyone with a valid email address can be added as a responsible person and notifications can be turned off. Therefore the responsible person list can include anyone who is interested in the station’s status and can assist in case of issues.

Let's consider an example of adding a Responsible Person:

Go to a station page and click on [+] button next to the ADD RESPONSIBLE PERSONS label.


If you want to add a Responsible Person who is not registered in the Nwave’s Console, fill the Responsible Person Registration form and press the ADD button.

If you want to add an existing console user as a responsible person, you can switch to the right tab and choose one of the Nwave Console Users or one of the previously added responsible persons.


When you complete these steps, your Responsible Persons will be added to the list. They will receive an email notification when the station will go offline or lose connection to the radio-receiver.


You are able to see all the responsible persons and their responsibilities in the Settings → Responsible Persons page.


SPlace integration

Now, you don't need to open a new tab and go to the web-version of the SPlace App every time you want to position devices on the map. We have added buttons on the pages:

  • Device Management → Zones

  • Device Management → Groups

  • Device Management → Positions

  • Device Management → Devices

When you click on this button, SPlace will be opened in a new window and partial data will be already filled in. For example, let’s consider device positioning:

  1. Find an unpositioned device on the Device Management → Devices page and click on the button


  2. A new window will be opened with the web-version of the SPlace App. If you never logged in before, please do. You can use the credentials of to log in to SPlace App. If you logged in at least once, you will see the BIND DEVICE form:


  3. Select or create a Zone, Level and a Group for a new position. Click on the BIND button to proceed.


  4. Set location of the new position. You can move map under the yellow pin and use zoom to set the location precisely. Click on the OK button to create the new position for the device.


  5. The position is created and the device is bound to it. Now you can click on the marker and see that the device is in the position.

Be careful

Devices in the boxes have to be activated and calibrated before using. You can do that only with the SPlace and Device Management Android apps.

The method of device positioning in the SPlace Web App should only be used with already calibrated devices. Devices which were never calibrated will not send any data until calibration is performed.

  • Calibration should always be performed after the device is securely mounted on the road surface.

  • Calibration should be repeated if a device is repositioned.

Level (floor) support

The release contains a new object type in the Device management hierarchy. These objects are called “Levels”. The Level object represents a building floor in the Device Management hierarchy. A level can be named and enumerated. A level is a child object of Zone and optionally-parent object of a Group.

We recommend the following approach of multi-storey parking registration in the Nwave Console:

  • Building → Zone

  • Floors → Levels

  • Parking spaces rows/parking space categories → Groups

The parking space groups outside a building can be added directly to a Zone without a Level creation.

Let’s consider an example of multi-storey parking spaces hierarchy:

  • Zone: “Parking”

    • Level 1: “Floor A”

      • Group: “Row 1”

      • Group: “Row 2”

      • Group: “Row 3”

    • Level 2: “Rooftop”

      • Group: “Regular spaces”

      • Group: “VIP”

      • Group: “Electric vehicles”

      • Group: “Disabled”

    • Group: “Outside parking”

Support of the Levels is implemented in Nwave Console and in Splace app.

Further, you can find the instruction of Levels using in both applications.

Levels on

  1. Go to any Zone page and find Levels panel on the right


  2. Click on the + button on the right top of the panel


  3. Fill the form and press button ADD to save the new Level


  4. Your Level is registered in the Zone.


  5. Now you can add a group to the Level “Floor A”. There are 2 ways. You are able to register a new group and select level or move an existing group into the level. The form of group creation looks like the form of group editing, so we will consider only creating a group with the level choosing. Just create a group as usual and select a Level in the bottom field


  6. When you save the new group, you can go to the Groups page and make sure that the new group is on the level. Your group will be displayed with prefix contained the level name


Levels in Splace App

Splace App shows all hierarchy in the single screen, so the operation of creating a group on a level should be more obvious.

  1. Select the device binding mode


  2. Select a Zone


  3. Click on the Level choosing field


  4. Click on the option Create Level


  5. Give a name and number for a new level


  6. A new Level will be created after clicking in button CREATE


  7. Now you can create a group as usual


  8. When you finish with the group registration, the new group will be added to the selected Level. You can check that on the

All public Nwave API support Levels functionality. See more detailed info here: